Hello Everyone! You will have to forgive me, I am just not that into this blog thing yet. I am sure it will get better as time passes, but the purpose is to have one place where family and friends can all check for updates and pics. Most everyone we love is scattered across the United States so this will bring us all to one happy little place.
Well as everyone knows, Marcus and I found out we were having "A" baby back in February and were very very excited, happy, hopeful, etc. Whatever the emotions, we were just utterly thankful for the blessing! We went for our first sono March 12 and to our surprise were told we were having triplets. Oh My GOSH! (That is all I could say). Marcus was very quiet for most of the appointment. That is all I really remember, just very quiet... Every since then it has been a whirlwind of emotions. In a matter of a few weeks our entire lives have taken a new course. Marcus seems to have accepted the reality of the news quite well, while myself on the other hand, have been happy, but at the same time it is hard to accept how much this is changing my lifestyle. I know that this is what God has given us, and it was meant to be, so I am still very thankful and will continue to become more comfortable with it all.
Other than that, the pregnancy has gone incredibly well. No morning sickness, no cravings, no excessive urination, etc. Everything seems pretty normal still except for the small belly bulge I am starting to get. I guess I am still at the point where people are afraid to ask if I am pregnant for the fear I might just be a little chubby in a weird looking way. As of this week, I am 9 weeks along. We have our first OB appointment on April first. I am excited! It gives you great relief to see their little hearts beat...I will keep you updated!