Friday, May 22, 2009

What are their names? What are their names?

OK. Trio mama took the day off and left this one to trio daddy. Originally we were going to wait and not let anyone know the names that we had picked out. There has been a change in plans due to the overwhelming continuous question of what are their names. If I get one more person to request to name one of my kids after them I am going to hurt someone. LOL Funny thing about that is that all of these people have kids and no one has named their child Marcus or Kimberly yet. OK Uncle Bruce you got the right to make that request but even then I get to change the pronunciation later. Ha Ha. So here are the names that we have come up with. Now everyone can say how cute the names are even if they don't really like them. (smile)Don't worry, our feelings won't be hurt(At least mine won't be) if you don't like them.

Deuce Jay Thompson
Jevin Shamil Thompson
Mia Kay Thompson


  1. Thanks for sharing the names with everyone. This blog stuff is the BOMB! Can't wait till the trio's join us, they will all be a bundle of joy. As long as you & Kim like the names I love them. I think the names are KUEL! Continued luck on your pregnancy & remember GOD hasn't brought you this far to leave you, GOD will carry you all the way through-cause thats what he DOOO! I love you guys soooo much.
    See Sunday--Love yo Auntie Kim

  2. Nicely done guys. I hope you know that Jess' request was just a joke (I think you probably do). Now the real question, are there meanings behind the names?

  3. well you know how it goes when you get older and are calling them. Thats going to be a mouth full anyway. You are the only ones that will have them names thats for sure. It doesnt matter if we like them or we dont they are your little creations to name what you want. I think they are great names. I love the one that you picked out for the girl and the ones for the boys are unique also. Great choices. they will fit them thats foe sore. Love you guys and thanks for letting us in on the the surprise.

  4. hey isn't it great to say thier names instead of saying A B C . i'll bet they like it better, ( ha) isn't it fun to shop and plan? i i know it is overwherlmaing but it takes your mind off of your back,your feet etc. just don't try to think too far ahead it will all fall into place after the showers....then you can worry about highchairs..that is about 6 mo when they can sit up.. a three tiered stroller comes kidding..i've never seem a stroller for triplets..and one bed at a time because they can sleep all crosswise in the bed...i think a bathnetteis better than a changing table because they can take a bath and then lay on the soft top to get dressed,, i really liked mine...look at one and see what you think....maybe they don't even make them anymore ha...oh well love you guys congratulation on the, names they are cute and special just like the little guys are...can't you , i'll keep in touch NANA

  5. i either need to learn to spell or slow down typing. oh well you know what i yah...NANA


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